Automate and centralise your payments

Improve tenant and property owner experience

Streamline your payment operations

Get full control and visibility on money movements

Automate payments from rents collection to supplier payouts. Get a centralised view of your flows of funds in a single dashboard.

Automate payments from rents collection to supplier payouts. Get a centralised view of your flows of funds in a single dashboard.

A solution for all your payment use cases

Rents Direct Debits automation

Save your tenants’ and teams’ time by automatically debiting rents from tenants’ bank accounts

Instant payments

Make funds available to property owners and suppliers immediately after you’ve processed their rents and invoices

Unified balance per project

Leverage ledgers to keep a unified view, per project, on funds received and expenses sent from different bank accounts

Co-ownership treasury management

Automatically allocate funds across operations and reserve accounts

Operating expense payouts

Automate utilities, maintenance, renovation-work, and all other expenses payouts

Automatic collection and reconciliation of rent payments from tenants

Automate rents collection and reconciliation with virtual IBANs and enriched account statements to streamline and scale operations

Programmatic property owners’ payments

Issue rent payment orders to property owners automatically after you’ve received and reconciled rents.

Deposits management

Automatically collect and reconcile deposits, allocate deposits to the proper bank accounts, and disburse deposits to tenants

Rents Direct Debits automation

Save your tenants’ and teams’ time by automatically debiting rents from tenants’ bank accounts

Instant payments

Make funds available to property owners and suppliers immediately after you’ve processed their rents and invoices

Unified balance per project

Leverage ledgers to keep a unified view, per project, on funds received and expenses sent from different bank accounts

Co-ownership treasury management

Automatically allocate funds across operations and reserve accounts

Operating expense payouts

Automate utilities, maintenance, renovation-work, and all other expenses payouts

Automatic collection and reconciliation of rent payments from tenants

Automate rents collection and reconciliation with virtual IBANs and enriched account statements to streamline and scale operations

Programmatic property owners’ payments

Issue rent payment orders to property owners automatically after you’ve received and reconciled rents.

Deposits management

Automatically collect and reconcile deposits, allocate deposits to the proper bank accounts, and disburse deposits to tenants

A payment operations platform for real estate companies

features payment


Send payments through SEPA credit transfer and instant credit transfer, Bacs, and FPS

Collect payments through SEPA direct debit core and B2B and Bacs direct debit

Send international payments through SWIFT

Manage SEPA R transactions (recalls, rejects, returns, and refunds) and inquiries

Receive real-time notifications as payments are processed

features account


Receive prior-day balances and transactions at the end of the day

Receive intraday balances and transactions throughout the day

Receive real-time notifications as transactions are posted and balances are calculated

Search balances and transactions with no history limit


Connect to your banks through a single RESTful API

Numeral connects to your banks and manages payment, payment status report, and account report files for you

Be notified in case of bank connection or file transfer failure


Automatically reconcile payments processed with transactions posted

Use virtual IBANs to automate the reconciliation of incoming payments

Use expected payments to reconcile payments executed outside of Numeral

Receive real-time notifications as reconciliations are created


Onboard and verify counterparties to facilitate payments

Manage all counterparties and counterparty accounts in one single place

Assign virtual accounts to counterparties and rotate virtual accounts across counterparties

Notify counterparties as you send, request, or receive payments

features controls


Approve payment orders and payment files before they are sent to your banks

Setup payment approval workflows that match your internal controls

Review audit trails of your payments and counterparties

Keep the full control of your data

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I notify property owners when their rent payments have been executed?

Yes, you can subscribe to events to be notified via webhooks as payments are processed (e.g., sent or rejected) by your bank. You can use those webhooks to build a notification system for property owners.

Can I notify my teams about payments pending their approval?

Yes, your teams can be notified directly within the Numeral dashboard. You can also use Numeral’s API and webhooks to build an approval notification system for your teams.

How much does Numeral cost?

Numeral’s pricing consists of a platform subscription fee, a fee based on the payments processed on the platform, and a fee based on the number of accounts connected to the platform.

Can I control access to the platform by teams or individuals?

Yes. Numeral allows you to easily configure roles and permissions for your users via a central dashboard. You can also set developer permissions to control usage of the API.

Can I use Numeral with any bank?

We need to have an integration with your bank for you to use Numeral. Check our current bank coverage. We’re building integrations with new banks every month, and prioritise based on our customers’ needs. Get in touch with us to discuss your bank coverage needs!

Does Numeral intermediate funds?

Numeral is a payment operations software, not a payment service provider. As such, Numeral doesn’t intermediate funds. Your funds flow directly between yours and your customers' and partners' bank accounts. Numeral only exchanges files and messages with your banks to initiate payments from your bank accounts or fetch account or payment-related information. Doing so, Numeral enables you to move funds directly in and out of your bank accounts.


Instant Payments

SEPA Instant Credit Transfer in a nutshell

Real-time payments are rapidly becoming the new payment standard for companies and consumers who no longer want to wait 2-3 days for funds to arrive into th ...
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How Numeral supports SEPA instant payments

The Numeral platform supports SEPA instant payments, in addition to regular SEPA credit transfers as well as SEPA direct debits. Companies can use the Numer ...
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